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David Lebovitz

Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies from the Great Book of Chocolate David Lebovitz (born 1958) is an American author primarily known for writing about food. He worked as a dessert and pastry chef before starting to write cookbooks. He also wrote a memoir about his experiences buying and renovating an apartment in Paris.

In 1999, two years after Jim Leff and Bob Okumura founded Chowhound, the online discussion forum in 1997, Lebovitz launched his eponymous baking and desserts website. Thus, he is considered one of the earliest, if not, the original "food blogger". Lesley Chesterman wrote in ''NUVO'' in 2022: "Having launched his website in 1999, before food blogs really even existed, you could argue that Lebovitz all but created the genre."

In addition to his food blog, Lebovitz also publishes a subscriber newsletter on Substack. The recipes in his books and on his blog are often reprinted (with permission) or adapted in food columns, and he has been interviewed for articles in mainstream digital and legacy media. Provided by Wikipedia