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Marlène Schiappa
Marlène Schiappa (; born 18 November 1982) is a French writer and politician who served as State Secretary for the Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life, attached to the Prime Minister, in the Borne government (2022-2023), as Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship, attached to the Minister of the Interior, in the government of Prime Minister Jean Castex (2020–2022) and as Secretary of State for Gender Equality in the government of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe (2017–2020).Ultimately, Schiappa was sacked from government in July 2023 as part of a cabinet reshuffle, a dismissal linked to the ongoing political scandal surrounding the "Marianne Fund" to combat Islamist extremism, a fund she set up as junior minister in 2021, and whose handling came under public and parliamentary scrutiny in 2023. The fund has faced criticism for its lack of transparency and the conditions under which grants were awarded. Accusations of favoritism and mismanagement arose, particularly regarding the allocation of funds to associations that were perceived to be close to the government like "Conspiracy Watch" founded by Rudy Reichstadt. Provided by Wikipedia